Guittard Old Dutch Milk Chocolate Block - 10 lbs.
Ratings & Reviews
1 review
04/26/2019 3:47 am
"individually wrapped" is for suckers.
by J. Scott
Call me an ignorant savage, but I bought two, some-odd two years ago. Been breaking chipping, and nibbling on it ever since.
<br>Just finishing the last pound, and I gotta say it never got old for me. Flavour/texture beats pretty much everything else I can get my grubby hands on, hands down. Very smooth, and milky, with a hint of caramel, and it doesn't have bitter/sour aftertastes.
<br>The price-per-pound just kills it. Even with shipping, you're only paying half the price, for superior chocolate.
<br>You do need to consult your toolbox to divide the bar, though.